Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ms. Madeere Pehrsone Alspace Dies in Buenos Aires **

Our friend Camilo, Madeere Pehrsone Alspace and I waiting to buy empanadas.

Buenos Aires, July 25. -- Madeere Pehrsone Alspace, my dear long life friend, died yesterday afternoon in Buenos  Aires, at the age of 30-something years.  Her tragic death came unexpectedly, although she had been ill for a few weeks.

The cause was complications resulting from breathing difficulties during the July 20th celebrations, witnesses said. 

Ms. Madeere Pehrsone Alspace grew up in South America. She enjoyed having people around her, and made of sharing a way of life. 

After moving to the US however, Madeere Pehrsone Alspace started a new phase of her life.  My friend started growing larger.  She did not like to sit close to others as she used to, which made her family uncomfortable at times.  However, Madeere continued having a very fulfilling life, close to those that were dearest to her.    

Although her energy levels were not as high these last few weeks, Madeere Pehrsone Alspace never lost her enthusiasm for traveling.  In fact, we will always remember her stories about traveling trough Mexico and Colombia. She was happy during her time in Buenos Aires.  She even went on a strict diet to be able to fit among Subte passengers, stand in long lines, and reach for medialunas even when the panadería was full and space tight. 

It seems these extreme dietary measures affected her health.  I noticed Madeere Pehrsone Alspace looked tired and complained of breathing difficulties constantly.  Madeere attributed this to the cold air (sereno*) and seasonal allergies.  

The final moment arrived when Madeere was standing in line waiting to buy Colombian empanadas, in the middle of festivities taking place in The Avenida de Mayo.  Although there is nothing that can ease my pain right now, I have the peace of mind Madeere Pehrsone Alspace left surrounded by the people and culture she loved the most.

Rest in peace, Madeere Pehrsone Alspace!

* In Colombia, the word sereno may refer to a cold breeze that can make you sick.
**  This is a fictional piece.  Any similarities with reality are pure coincidence.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Guanajuato Mummies in Dallas

This weekend we were able to see the famous "Momias de Guanajuato" in our very own hometown of Dallas Texas.  We heard about this through a Facebook post that was promoting the event.  It turns out that a company  from Detroit has them on loan (more on this later) and they are touring the US.

The exhibit is called The Accidental Mummies of Guanajuato and is located at the West End Marketplace and consists of five rooms.